- the little mermaid
- 美人: beautiful woman; beauty
- 童: child
- 童: Ⅰ名词1.(儿童; 小孩子) child 神童 child prodigy; 顽童 naughty boy; 牧童 cowboy; cowherd; shepherd boy2.(旧时指未成年的仆人) young servant 书童 boy servant attending to study3.(姓氏) a surname 童英 tong yingⅡ形容词1.(未婚的) virgin 童男 virgin boy; 童女 virgin; maiden;2.(秃) bald; bare 头童齿豁 hoary-headed and toothless
- 童 (音): fairy tale (guang liang album)
- 美人: beautiful woman; beauty 睡美人 sleeping beauty; 芳龄17的美人 a budding beauty of seventeen; 她是一个十足的美人。 she is a regular beauty.; 美人鱼 mermaid; 美人照 pinup
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